Window to another World

Published: 2024-10-26

Category: story

“Wow, this scenery is amazing”, flying across green, life filled mountains. ”I can’t believe I created this only with my imagination.”

”Maybe it’s time for a beach vacation.” the young girl said as the mountains begin to shrink, slowly morphing into waves of a calm sea.

The girl lands on the warm and soft sand, letting herself fall and comfortably landing on a beach lounger that just popped into existence.

“Ahh, isn’t this nice”, the girl closes her eyes, enjoying a breeze of warm sunset air and the sound of soft waves hitting the beach.

“This is the best dream ever” she said, as the noise of the sea slowly turns into the sound of car traffic and honking.

“What is this? I didn’t do this”, the sprawling city turning into the same beach again, “Way better”.

But again, her creation turned to something else, a calm meadow with an old wooden barn.

“Huh, this has never happened before”.

Curious, the girl enters the barn, coming across towers of hay bales.

“It’s way bigger on the inside than I thought” she said as she hears a noise.

The girl turns around and sees another girl jumping from tower to tower, “Hey, who are you?”

The other girl jumps up in shock, “Who are you? What are you doing in my dream?”

“I could ask you the same question. Did you disrupt my island vacation?”

“Did you demolish my city?”

“So am I getting this right, we are sharing the same dream?”

“I think so”

“Well, it looks fun what you created here, can I come up to you?”, the two girls now jumping from tower to tower together.

While landing, the tower suddenly turns into a slide and the scenery morphs into a fun water park.

“Wow, did you do this?”

”Well, we can’t keep doing the same stuff”

“Okay, let me show you something”

The slide ending in a ramp, throwing both girls high up in the air, now flying across the same mountains as before.

“I remember these mountains, I was sitting down there on this small hill, as a saw a strange looking bird fly across the sky”

“Strange looking bird?! That was me”

“Sorry, you’re not looking strange at all…”

“What do you think of showing me the hill you were on earlier?”

Both landing under a tree, stumbling, falling over, laughing.

“Wow, it’s beautiful down here, seeing this whole place from another perspective”

Both looking at the slightly violet sky, filled with stars slowly showing themselves as the sun fades under a mountain.

“You’re such an interesting person and I don’t know anything about you. I don’t even know your name”

“I’m Mira, what about you?”

“My name is Aurora”

“Can I ask you, would you be friends in real life too, Aurora?”

“I wanted to ask you the same thing. So where are you from?”

“I’m from the Lunaris Bay”

“Lunaris Bay? Never heard of that”

“You’re joking, it’s literally the capital”

“No really, I’ve never heard of it. In which country do you live?”


“I’m confused, either you’re messing with me or I need to brush up on my geography”

“Wait a second, what’s your planet called?”

“What’s my planet called? Are you joking? Earth”

“I think we have it now. We live in different worlds. Yours is a couple light days away from mine.”

“Different worlds? There’s life out there?”

“Didn’t you know?”

“Well, I thought it had to be but I didn’t know for sure”

“No you know”

“Can you tell me something about your planet?”

“I can show you”

As both girls begin to float, the ground beneath their feet begins to turn into another world, a shade of purple Aurora has never seen.

“This is your planet? It looks beautiful”

“Not anymore…”

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you”, they fly towards the planet, landing on a rooftop, looking at blue glowing ruins of a once city, “We’ve been at war since I can remember. They’re destroying everything with these new advanced bombs. Do you see the blue glow?”

“Yes, it’s so magnificent”

“That’s what the bombs leave behind, I don’t know if it’s toxic or anything”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know”

“It’s okay, it really does look pretty, if you don’t know their origin”

“I can’t imagine what you must be feeling Mira”

“Fear. Unimaginable fear. Fear that it could be over with us any day know. They’re secretly working on something big, but it’s not that secret anymore. Everyone knows, and everyone knows their life could be over at any second”

“That’s terrifying? How are you dealing with this?”

“I escape to my dreams. Here everything is okay”

“And now you have me”

“That’s the best part”

“Can we promise to spend every night together”

“I promise, Aurora. I’d promise you anything”

They slowly lean in for a kiss as everything turns black and Aurora wakes up in her bed.

“Nooo, we were just about to kiss. Mira, I can’t wait to see you again next night”

The day goes by and Aurora can’t think of anything else than Mira. Today she’s going to bed early. Slowly fading into her dreams she begins to search for Mira.

“Mira? Are you here?”, but no response

“Maybe she’s not asleep yet, I’ll wait”

Hours go by, still no sign of Mira.

“I hope you didn’t break your promise” Aurora says, as the world fades to black and she wakes up in her bed again.

The next days go by, every night desperately searching for Mira, but no success.

“Mira? Mira, are you here? I really miss you”

Aurora decides to create the same barn she first met Mira in. She slowly jumps from tower to tower, feeling completely empty and alone.

Suddenly Aurora hears a noise behind her. ”Mira?” Filled with hope she turns around, looking for Mira. But no Mira in sight, only a mouse feeding on some hay.

“Mira, I promise I will find you. I will look for your planet and find a way to get there”

Right after she woke up, she begins her work, determined to build a telescope. The whole day she’s scraping parts for her DIY telescope. Picking up some old pipes, sticks from the forest next to her house, even cutting a hole in a window, just to get a working telescope. As the sun begins to set she’s finally done. ”Perfect, right on time”.

Aurora scans the sky, looking for a purple planet. An hour goes by, still nothing. But Aurora is determined. “It’s better in the dark anyway”.

Suddenly there is a blue light, illuminating the whole sky.

“Wow, what is that? It’s so beautiful, I wish Mira could see it.”

Hypnotized Aurora keeps staring at the blue glow.

“It’s so familiar and so foreign at the same time. But it’s blocking my view… Maybe I should continue tomorrow. But I will find you Mira”

As Aurora goes back into her room, a small bright light twinkles in the center of the blue glow