Memories of the Past

Published: 2024-10-25

Category: story

As long as I can remember I have been at his place. I can’t complain, it’s wonderful here, I’ve got everything an owl could ever wish for. A lovely human being taking care of all my needs, unlimited food I don’t have to flap a wing for, a comfortable branch to sit on right in front of the window with a view on a huge dark forest as far as my eyes can see.

But starring outside the window, I feel something is wrong, something is missing. I don’t know why, but I think there is something I don’t know, something lurking in the shadows of my mind. How did I get to this place? I don’t remember, I’ve always been here.

There comes my human, she’s bringing me dinner, with a big smile on her face. I think she made big progress on this time travel portal she’s working on. Wow, she’s really in a hurry. Just dumped the food in front of me without even paying attention to my existence. Not one word, one pet. Already back to work. But I don’t mind, I have my food and I’m about to enjoy my dinner.

A scream, what was that? It sounded cheerful, maybe she had a breakthrough with her invention. I’m so excited, I should take a look.

Wow, I am mesmerized. Is this a forest, right inside my living room? I can’t stop it, something inside me forces my to fly there. ”Noooo stop!”, I hear as I land on a branch. No human in sight, where am I? This is wrong but it also feels right. There is a reason why I’m here, I know it.

As I fly around, I see trees and trees all around me. A squirrel climbing up a tree trunk, an acorn in it’s mouth, a mother bird feeding their children, oh and an eagle fighting with an owl. Another owl like me. Like me. My heart is racing, my mind is working. I’m receiving sparks of a lost memory. That was me once. Yes, I remember. I had a fight just like this. The place even looks oddly familiar. Same trees, same leaves, same weather. Same eagle? And then, I woke up with my human. She saved my life, took care of my until I was feeling better and still after that gave me a loving home. A home and a family I could only dream of. And this, this is all gone now. I don’t know where I am, but I can feel there is no way back. This whole thing was the biggest mistake of my life. Will I ever see her again?

Oh no, I’m sitting here, sunken in my memories and there is another owl suffering the same fate I once used to. I have to step up, do as my human would do, and help it.

Wait where is the owl? Where is the eagle? I said as I noticed the shadow above me.